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Sunday, September 30, 2007 Went drinking on a saturday!
With Kevin & Janice's frens. Six of us at Remesses @ Changi Village. My 3rd time drinking there. Prev time drank Scotch Whisky with Green tea. NOw with COKE! I would prefer with coke. Nicer taste. With Green Tea tastes abit weird. Drank two glasses and sang KTV. Then went home by Janice's car. Reached home at 1am+ 10hrs of sleep. Gone into a trance of sensation. Floating thoughts. Wonderful. Intimacy. Affectionate and supportive. Our work together. Left one week of attachments. Tuesday, September 25, 2007 Second day of posting.
Kids are naughty. Kids are adorable. Kids are loveable. Kids are kissable. Haha!!! Been with Staff nurse checking case notes. Grabbing every golden opportunity to do what a staff nurse usually doing. Getting myself prepared to take case, pass report, write report & document alot of things... Woah. Being a staff nurse is not that easy!!! Everyone knows. haha! Try to ask alot of questions once i have any doubts. The ANs are nice too, ermm... one of them said," If you have any doubts, just approach us and we will try to teach u (: Learn more." Observed SSN putting on a urine bag for the infant. So special! this urine bag is so small... Well, lots of medications to check on. Trying hard to write report in the SBAR way. their hosp protocol. Common cases in paediatrics. - Asthma - GE - Fever - Febrile fits - UTI Today is mooncake festival. Back at home to eat mum's cooking ^^v Yummy... What's for dinner? - CURRY CHICKEN !!! - my fav: bittergourd soup! (oops maybe not many ppl like bittergourd. haha!) Night everyone. Monday, September 24, 2007 Paediatrics Ward.
Woah. Totally different. No la. As in quite alot of things to take note which is very different from working in an adult ward. Somemore, this paediatrics ward is multi-discipline. Going to take case this coming thurs. Meaning going to pass report like a staff nurse. Confidence, where are you? Lolx. Need to do case study. The staff nurses are approachable. Sisters there look strict but seems to be able to approach them easy too. I hope everything goes well during this 2 weeks posting. Yep. Ms Susan is our clinical lecturer for our paeds posting. Count ourselves lucky (: I dont mean it the other way but i seriously think she's quite nice being a clinical lecturer. Research to be done. Get to used to the ward setting asap. I will blog abt my paeds posting ^^ Bye. Take care, my frens. Sunday, September 23, 2007 Work is the secret of success.
Play is the symbol of youthfulness. Read is the source of knowledge. Think is the strength of the mind. Love is the sacrament of life. Dream is the soul of aspiration. Help is the secret of happiness. Laugh is the song of experience. Pray is the source of strength. Plan is the secret of being able to have time for all of the above. This is what i saw during my posting. I would share with u guys (: / sat 22.9 / Been to Kitchener Rd for mutton soup! The best mutton soup i ever had. Chinese Mutton Soup. Closed on sundays. / sun 23.9 / Going back to attachments tml. Paediatrics posting (: Two weeks dealing with patients from toddlers to young teenagers. Wondering how will it be like working in an environment with patients younger than me. Will be back blogging when i'm free (: Saturday, September 22, 2007 One week of attachments at O & G Ward.
>> Obstetrics and Gynaecology >> Well, i'm only under Gynaecology. Sad arh... cant get to see mothers delivering at Delivery Suite. Cant get to feed and bathe the babies in the nursery... Sob. My nursing partner and i only get to stay in the ward... attending to mothers in the cubicles. But when we're asked to push their babies to them, "YEAH!" face brighten up!!!~ we will get the chance "the golden opportunity" to go into the nursery and identify their babies, check the babies' name tags against the card on the trolley, and also check their nappies (: Everything tally and nappies not soaked... ALRIGHT! Let's go! ^^ Ms Lydia is our clinical lecturer!!! Woohoo~ At first, i think she's very strict towards students. But, now... i think she's a very very nice lecturer. Strict of cos (: she's very knowledgeable. She shares everything she knew with us. Even tho she asked alot of questions and asked us to go back home to check up ourselves... i think it really do help us alot alot. Gain more knowledge (: She's nice. She's direct in a way of putting her ways to push us forward. HAve confidence!!! haha. She's the lecturer that can be strict, she will be very very strict. And when it's playtime, she can be very very funny... a joker to us; made us laugh and giggle =P Sad to say only one week of O & G posting with her. Now two weeks of Paedatrics with.... dun know who. Ermm... Saw Mr Neo and he said, might be... Ms Susan Leong! ): Nvm. Dont know leh. Never has the "cant wait for the next posting... " or sth. Maybe becos heard from the students being posted there before ... saying that the sister very fierce and strict. haha!!! I dont know. I need to go and know it myself then i will understand why they say that. This posting is the best ever! haha =P Very relaxed. The Staff room is the biggest i have seen so far. Got showerroom inside. Got changing room inside. Somemore, the ward fot tutorial rm! The ANs are very nice, very friendly. The staff nurses are also very patient (as compared to the other wards' staff nurses.) Well, forgive and forget... this will still apply in our everyday life. It's time that matters. As time goes by, we will tend to forgive becos we will think back what happened, why, how and stuffs then we reflect that we shouldn't be like this... we should be... ... then we will also forget the mistakes that ppl have done and eventually accept and forgive them (: Monday, September 17, 2007 A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked.
Secrets? You meant secrets are meant to have two or more ppl to know? You meant that secrets are meant to be shared among friends? You meant that if i tell you my secrets, you dont mind sharing my secrets with yr friends? Then what's the point of telling you my secrets? I didn't tell you to tell anyone else... i trust you. I tell you because i know that you wont tell anyone else my secrets, u get what i mean? The truth is i have chosen the wrong person to tell my secrets to. Do you know what secrets really are? Need me to tell you? Secret is something confidential that should be kept hidden from others or known only to oneself or to a few (: If i choose to tell you, you're the chosen one to keep it safe. Not telling others and share it as yr secrets. Because it's not yr secrets, is mine (: If you choose to tell my secrets to other ppl /our frens, then i dont think i should tell you my secrets. Because i didn't tell you to tell other ppl (: You're being irresponsible; you have the inability of dealing yr frens' secrets. Am i right to say that? And, i dont blame you for telling other ppl my secrets. "If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." As you have mentioned that- if let's say u said we'r all frenz,den wats the tin abt keepin things fr frenz?? I already mentioned in the previous entries... keeping things from and keeping secrets... you're the one who dont understand me (: To be specific... you said that you dont trust for me. And you tell yr best fren yr secret. Yr best fren goes around telling her frens yr secrets including me. So how would u feel? Will you be pissed with yr best fren? You must not be. Becos yr best fren also have the same thinking that frenz should share secrets(: Hmm... so is that still considered as secrets at all? As you say frens should not be keeping things from each other. Then how do u explain by you both are keeping things from me? Do you treat me as yr fren? Do you gals treat me as yr fren as the same way i'm treating you two? Learn to be smart. Learn to choose yr friends wisely (: Knowing who to be on top, who to be right at the bottom. It's just like putting yr friends into the various compartments in a refrigerator. Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts. Saturday, September 15, 2007 In my previous entry, i was blogging all about what i felt and what i have been thinking all this while since the beginning of our little quarrel (:
Playing games with each other aren't fun at all as it seem, u gals know? Gals, i'm here trying to make things better in our little quarrel here. U gals may think that the outsider is the one who should be blamed and all because of that outsider, our friendship became worse. But... you see even before the outsider has come into the picture, we already have this problem of our own. It's whether our little problem between us has become worse or whether the problem has opened up to be seen, you get what i meant? Let's talk about the trust thing. Yes, my fren... i told you what you're doing; how i felt abt the way you treat me and fren A... I'm here trying to tell you the whole picture, you see (: I really felt bad about going against our precious fren A here... She must be thinking that we're all along going against her. She's naughty, she's mischevious, she's childish, that's her. You see... if in the first place, you have told me and the outsider that you have already told our fren A abt the things between us... then we including you wouldn't go and question fren A abt the topic again. We're in the wrong to question her like what we did on that day; we should get to know the whole picture first before questioning like stupid idiots. You understand? All we need is your that sentence,"I have already told her that... ... " Now... all along you have been knowing what's going on between me; the outsider as well as our fren A. But i still dont get why in the first time you dont wan to tell me that you have already told my secret to fren A, even before starting to meet out to question our poor fren A??? I know it's difficult to tell me, cos you're afraid that i might be angry with you. But think again, we're frens; trusted each other all along, why afraid to point that out to me? If you have told me that in the first place, then we will just let the matter rest and this whole thing wouldn't happen at all (: We still can continue to go sapphiring and we could still joke, chat and have so much of fun ^^ Telling secrets... Keeping secrets... I wont blame you that you have told our fren A my secret, but it's yr responsibility to tell me that you have already leaked out to her. Am i right? But when you told me, it's kind of late =.= I trust you. Our fren A trusts you too, my fren. The question you asked in the blog, i can answer you. If our little fren A told you a secret which you're not even supposed to tell me, then when i ask about it, you could just tell me that you'r sorry, you promised fren A that you can't tell me, that's it... end of story (: *(as fren A, me and you know the story; the topic involves us) I wont be angry or got frustrated just because of that one secret that you're not supposed to tell me. It's your responsibility, my fren. Now you say you need to keep things from that little fren A as i told you to do so... But that fren A keep saying that you're keeping things from her, then you can explain to her that you r being a trustable fren, cannot go back on yr words. So is there a problem keeping things from yr frens? *Being a trusted fren? Why should you go and tell other ppl about yr frens' things that you shouldn't be telling? You will get benefits after telling? You will lighten the workload for yourself? You want to share yr frens' secrets with other frens of yrs? That's not supposed to be :) It's like for an example, *no offence* 1. My make-up example, you told me a secret - You dont like Tom and he sucks... blah blah that he's been lying to you n stuff... he told you that you're an idiot straight in yr face... he's totally a jerk... etc. You told me not to tell anyone else... including our fren A. So... when fren A came n approach me to tell me things about Tom, and ask me things abt Tom/ asking me what i feel abt that fren, Tom. Am i supposed to tell her that you have been telling me things abt Tom that he say you're an idiot straight in yr face and has been been lying to you? Definitely a NO! Why? See... I cant tell fren A abt what you think abt Tom because it's a secret and you asked me not to tell. Plus, it's not my opinion of Tom, it's yr opinion of Tom. Whatever u told me is what you think, if i tell fren A abt what you have told me, and fren A understands my words differently, then things get complicated. You trust me, that's why i need to keep this from fren A *so to say i'm keeping things from fren A* am i right? I can only tell fren A what i think abt Tom not what you think abt Tom. It's a different thing, you see. 2. Another make-up example from me which is also the last example :D I told you my secret that i have been going out with Tom all these while and asks you to keep it from fren A (: Fren A suspected that something's between Tom and me... so went to ask you abt me and Tom. So shouldn't you be keeping things from fren A instead of telling her that i and Tom have been going out? Even though fren A kept asking, you also cannot say. Because if you say, problems will b created. You should tell fren A what you think... Eg. You to Fren A," I think maybe they're getting closer, hmm... maybe you can go and ask cindy or sth? I have no idea what's going with the both of them. It's better to go n ask her what you wan to know from her and what's going on with her and Tom because cindy knows the best." It's best to hear it from the horse's mouth. If fren A wans to know my things, she can come and approach me. Or you can tell her to approach me too (: Keeping things from this person is jus doing what u're supposed to do, my fren. Because you're supposed to be the trusted one, keeping it from others. Keeping things, you should rephrase it as *keeping secrets (: Trust yourself. Do what you should do. I'm here, my gals. I wont ignore you both. I will still wan to talk to you. Cos all along, i didn't wan this to happen between us (: This is not what we want. We can solve this little problem of ours together. We can still be like before... Things r not gonna be different, only some things r going to be alittle different... Is that... we grow up, mature and become independent. Creating a better relationship with a stronger bond; with greater & better understanding of each other as well as with care and concern of ours =P I hope both my fren A and you would understand what i'm trying to tell in this entry of mine. Saying sorry many times, but also giving many excuses for yr actions, does not make things better. Regardless what has been done, one sincere apology will solve all problems (*this is my opinion.) Now, there's a sorry from "the bottom of my heart" but at the same time, there's also "retreat into her shell" and "loner is better". What do you expect me to feel as a fren? I'm expressing my thoughts and feelings to you. I dont wan to hide and secretly be angry with you. But now, after hearing what i said... you choose to go back to being a loner. So does that mean i should keep quiet the next time there's a problem between us and pretend that everything's ok? ... ... If you decide to become a loner, there's nothing for me to say. I do not regret what i have said so far. I still attempt to call or sms you but if you choose to ignore me, ... ... That is not wat frens do. The ball is in yr court, my fren :) Friday, September 14, 2007 Trust or mistrust?
Or should i say trust versus mistrust? Trust is a relationship of reliance. A trusted party should fulfill his/ her promises (: Trust does not need to involve belief in the good character, vices, or morals of the other party. Ppl engaged in a criminal activity usually trust each other to some extent. *Also trust doesn't need to include an action tt u & the other party are mutually engaged in. Trust is a prediction of reliance on an action, based on wat a party knows abt the other party. Trust is.... > To let others know yr feelings, emotions n reactions, n having confidence in themselves to respect u n to not taking advantage of u. > To share yr inner feelings & thoughts wif others; believing tt they'll not spread them indiscriminately. > Placing confidence in others so tt they'll b supportive n reinforcing of u, even if u let down yr "strong'' mask n show yr weaknesses. > Assuming tt others will not intentionally hurt or abuse u if u should make an error or a mistake. > The inner sense of acceptance u hav of others wif whom u r able to share secrets wif & knowing they r safe. > The sense tt things r fine; tt nothing can disrupt the bond between u n the others. > ***The ability to let others into yr life so tt we can create a relationship built on an understanding of mutual respect, caring n concern to assist one another in growing n maturing independently. > The glue or cement of relationships tt allows u to need others to fulfill yrself. > Opening yrself up to let others in ; on yr background, yr problems, yr concerns, & yr mistakes as well, wif assurance tt they'll not wan to talk to u anymore becos of these things. (Eg. MAybe i tell him/her, he/she might think that i'm a ... ... i'm very... ...) > & LAstly, also the act of placing yrself in the vulnerable position of relying on others to treat you in a fair,open n also in a honest way. I dont think there's still trust between us. We are still hiding things from each other. Do i trust u? i doubt so. Am i stupid to trust u in the beginning? Yes, i do think i am very. Telling me things which u shouldn't be telling. Yes, i know it's confused whether to be the trusted one or to be the one keeping things from this particular person as this person asks u not to tell another person. For an example; If A asks u to keep things from B, but then B asked u abt what A has told u... shouldn't u be the one being "trusted" by the A , tells B that u cant tell B because u promised A not to tell B? Unless, u no longer want to trust A anymore and u think u're not trustable at all (: Repeated episodes. You have already repeated what u're told not to do. You know what i'm trying to convey. You're pissed with A because A told everyone about B's secrets and yrs too. Then have you came across this in yr mind? That... you actually did the same thing as what A did? Think again. So instead of saying A is very hypocritical. Then would i say that you're also hypocritical too? We're in the wrong of going against A because in the first place you're also the same as A. Am i right to say that? I trusted you that's why i tell you. A trusted you then she told you abt her secrets. And we both trusted A that's why i told her our secrets. But in the end, what happened? In the beginning, A asked you about B which B tot u're trustable but u actually leaked out to A. A actually leaked out too. B was kept in the dark all along. B was being protective all the way... seems to be knowing things what's going on but still was been kept things from. B tells you about A; i bet you also tell A what i told you, right? What's going on with the world between us? ======================================================================== The quote i mentioned in my previous entry is for you and A (: I'm glad that you actually think after reading... but i seriously think that dont always think of what ppl has to do... and what ppl should not do. Because in my mind, i have to say this. I'm not stupid. If you tell me about my bad pts, what i had done is wrong and what i shouldn't be doing, then i would go back home and think abt it myself. And i seriously mean that i would go n try to change myself (: But... this is what i think. To me, both you and A would go back home and reflect but will still think that others should also be like this, not like that... ... (eg. the growing up problem.) We told A to grow up, and what happened? Instead of A thinking about growing up herself; she asks everyone to grow up. Get the picture? "Shouldn't be everyone needs to grow up?" It's just like when someone told u to quit smoking; you didn't even listen to heart to go n quit smoking instead, asking the other chain smokers to stop smoking. *Is there still trust? I dont know the answer. Thursday, September 13, 2007 reflections.
Expecting too much? Getting irritated very easily? I'm really sorry for this (: This is a game everyone has played before; or even playing still. Have you ever have any secrets that you never want yr frens; family; relatives to know? Not even the closest one to you? I bet you do. You must be thinking... "If i tell him/her that i... ... (*the secret) then how would he/she react?" Will he or she think differently of me? Will he or she get uninterested? Will he or she leak out to her other friends out there? Will he or she dont want to be frens with me? Will he or she... ... Questions start to fill yr mind, am i right? Dont put the blame on anyone else. Think before you actually say it's someone else's fault. "If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees." Blame it yrself (: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Why ar?
I have been thinking alot alot of things... ... If u have a boyfriend that anything also go along with u; n you can always have yr own way... Or keeping everything to himself without letting problems be solved by sharing... U'll continue to be like what u used to be. In the end, everything comes back again. But, when u have a boyfriend that tells u that u shouldn't do this; that u listen to what he got to say about u (gd as well as bad pts) and sometimes also analyse what's wrong with this & that... U might think about what he had said to you previously when at night or when u're alone and eventually, u might agree with him in the end. And there might be a change in the way you do things and the way you look at things. Yes, it's nice to tell and say out what's wrong and what's right; what yr opinions r, etc. But, why do ppl always want to know the outcome? Is it that the finally outcome is so much important? In certain things, we cant keep looking into the future; in the long run. We also need to look into the present; NOW. Just like for example; now already has communication problem between the both of u and both parties didn't want to talk abt it at all, problems will only keep coming. U have talk it all out in yr heart whatever it's bothering u. share them. Dig everything out. Try to settle together; dont try to solve it alone. It will never work. Be careful of using the correct phrasing; correct tone; correct expression. These all might lead to misunderstandings. So be very careful of using words. Think properly before u actually say something that u wan things to work out yr way & conveying the correct msg to the other party. If keep thinking abt the outcome; & wanting to know more; what will happened? "There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes” ... We will never know what r the outcomes. We cant judge it ourselves. it might like this. it might like tt. "Doing is usually more important than the outcome." But, things have already gone this far. We have done our part already. Seriously, it's now up to the person whether she or he wans to accept it, admit it and take it to heart. We have to think before we actually sign the divorce papers. We cant jus sign without even thinking. i know sometimes in certain situations also need to think of the consequences too. Do you love me? Do you care? Why do u have to ask this qn if u already know the answer in yr heart? Heart to heart. U can tell by emotionally, physically and also mentally too. The answer lies in you. So there's no need to even ask the qn and answer this qn. I have been thinking... If you dont like mushrooms for an example, then the dish u ordered is full of mushrooms. Oh no... U'll be wondering how to take them all out. This is bad, but as u eat, u can actually take them all one by one as u see them. Hmm... That's why certain things; need to see how things go then plan n get conclusions. Am i right? Dont do things in a rush. Think again. If u dig into yr food; using the spoon, the fork or chopsticks, trying to get all the mushrooms out then u start eating... the food have already turn cold by then. Tuesday, September 11, 2007 Monday.
woke up with a sore throat ): must be those fingerfood; didn't get enough sleep; didn't drink enough water... Alcohol also will cause sore throat. Yes, it irritates throat. U know? haha!!! As quoted from familydoctor.org:- Bacteria can also cause a sore throat, as can smoking, breathing polluted air, drinking alcohol, and hay fever and other allergies. Ahhh... Settling things. Dealing some insane; idiotic; stupid; childish matters with that particular1 Simple-minded but yet making things complicated. What are you trying to do? Let's see how things go then (: Everything's out. Everyone knows everything. Porridge for me. Medicine for me too. i'm craving for beef noodles (: i'm craving for FishHead Steamboat too! Everything i also craving for. hee Ate Kolo Mee... At the Upp Thomson Rd. Well, the mee not bad. Wah! scary man. the fish soup is 6 dollars.!~ *fainted* The fried wantons r very nice. Worth it! ^^ 3.50 can have alot liao :P ermm... those chi-na aunties damn atitude =x We have to take our orders at the counter ourselves. Ordered. Food coming - they served to our tables (: Then, we found out that they left out my bowl of noodles. I told her we got order. Then she unhappy and go to the counter to ask for the receipt. WalaO~ damn atitude siaz. Give that kind of look, Grrrr... Nvm. We go and order again lor. that's simple. *bleah* Then, we saw a monkey in the glassroom taking out drinks. Waha!!! damn look like a monkey to me too! she wore brown * from top to bottom* I dont like chi-na girls. yucks! Makes me wana puke. i dont like the way they talk too. Haiz. My ancestors r from china leh. How ar? I dont like the way my ancestors r & being brought up from =x *nonsense* oops. i better dont talk more abt this... Just my thinking. sorry (: Went to DownTownEast to serve net. Get to know more abt facebook. Teaching sessions to my precious. Lolx~ I teach him how to use facebook. Join us at Facebook. It's more fun than u ever think *wink* My frens said that i advertise facebook for them. waha! Bo liao* =P Okay. today planning to go out and have fun!!! ^^ Sneezing... still sore throat. NO alcohol for me. Must be too much alcohol for the week liao =x Sunday, September 09, 2007 Saturday.
Basketball in the afternoon... Drinking... at night Kevin's colleage's Birthday celebration. At changi Chalet. Halton* Met his colleages the first time =x Damn shy. Drank 100plus. Then slowly, wanted to drink the Absolut Raspberri (: Waha! Heard from them that it tastes like COUGH SYRUP! ohmygosh! REALLY!!! =.= Not nice one. yucks~ Went on to drink Choya (: MMmmm... not bad! nice. sweet. i like it. ^^ Must try. well well... the alcohol percentage in CHOYA is abit higher. Didnt get the chance to take a look at the bottle. But i know from kevin's boss; she says that only one shortcup, she cannot liao =.= Lolx. WA~ my face immediately flushed and turn warm after that CHOYA!~ hmm... i was thinking. Cannot be Absolut Raspberri cos only 40%alcohol /vol. Must be that CHOYA! Ehhh... i want to try buying that home and drink (: Then walk down to Changi village. (quite near,ten mins walk) To the pub! ^^ Drink drink drink CHIVAS. Didn't drink much. two glasses only... With some fingerfood (: Chicken wings. Fishballs. Nuggets. Onion Rings. Yummy!!! ^^ Hug by girls in the pub!!! ahh... omg! touched by them somemore ): ask where i stay. ask how old am i. ask so much =.=''' luckily, went home soon. if not, the girls r going to pester me more. Went home & sleep (: The next day (sunday = today) So tired. woke up at 12plus... Ate wanton mee + rojak as breakfast (: Then go balling!!! ^^ Yeah (: Watched Bruce Almighty... Haha! damn funny! Jim Carey is such a talent man! I admire him =D ilovewatchinghisshows. Went to eat Casuarina Curry again. Kambing soup. PRatas!~ yumm yumm... love it. Now home sweet home (: Saturday, September 08, 2007 Big girls dont cry - Fergie
Da Da Da Da The smell of your skin lingers on me now You're probably on your flight back to your home town I need some shelter of my own protection baby To be with myself and center, clarity Peace, Serenity [CHORUS:] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personal, myself and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket But I've got to get a move on with my life It's time to be a big girl now And big girls don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry The path that I'm walking I must go alone I must take the baby steps 'til I'm full grown, full grown Fairytales don't always have a happy ending, do they? And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay [CHORUS:] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personal, myself and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket But I've got to get a move on with my life It's time to be a big girl now And big girls don't cry Like the little school mate in the school yard We'll play jacks and uno cards I'll be your best friend and you'll be mine Valentine Yes you can hold my hand if you want to 'Cause I want to hold yours too We'll be playmates and lovers and share our secret worlds But it's time for me to go home It's getting late, dark outside I need to be with myself and center, clarity Peace, Serenity [CHORUS] I hope you know, I hope you know That this has nothing to do with you It's personal, myself and I We've got some straightenin' out to do And I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket But I've got to get a move on with my life It's time to be a big girl now And big girls don't cry Don't cry Don't cry Don't cry La Da Da Da Da Da Slept 12 hrs of sleep last night (:
from 2plus to almost 2pm today. The moment i woke up is blog about what had happened the past few days. Many problems come and go in between us. Nish. joan. Chris. me. Kevin. Sc. & bunch of idiotic taggers. I wont want to mention who they r. what they did and how things happened in the first place. I dont want to blog about the problems that happened recently. It do stressed me up. it really made me think too much. it do made me stare blankly into empty space... It's really troubling me. It's too much. Trust. Concern. Patient. Listen. drinking becomes a habit? not exactly... i dont know why i jus feel like drinking again. Drank yesterday with my darlings. Drinking again today at Changi Village. Flushing warm > Dizzy & light-headed > Spinning head > vomit > hangover? I dont know. haha!!! Anyway... i never had vomitting so far. heee =D Go go go!!! I'm off to my brunch now. at 2pm? haha!!! Thursday, September 06, 2007 Pet lovers Centre.
visited for more than 3times in a week(: `in love with Jack Russel. `in love with Robowski hamsters. -\ 5th Sept `07 \- Bought 2 Robowski hamsters at Simei Pet Safari -Pet Lovers Centre- Adorable Robowski hamsters ^^ Why at Simei? haha! COs, my precious joan darling's request =D no la. I'm helping her to do sth *sercret* So i have to go all the way to Simei. DOnt make u feel bad, my joan darling (: Instead, u helped me to realise that pets can actually bring two persons even closer! Thanks, joan darling. Bought lots of things for these 2 Robowski hamsters. Got two types of Robowski hamsters: Normal or White ones. Lolx. The person in charged there says it this way... Asking us whether want the normal Robowski or the Robowski white ones. We were like... ermmm... ... " ...the grey ones? " hee! yeah. The normal ones (: They run real fast!!! ooh my... I wondering how am i going to catch them to pet them; love them; play with them ^-^ Adorable Robowski hamsters, i love you~ Okay, guess what? The amt spent there was quite expected (: All the basic needs we have bought for the precious two. total amt with discount: $164++ We got a membership card too! yeah. I'm extremely happy and excited with the precious2 Robowski. (: Took cab home with them. In the SMALL ANIMAL CARRIER ^^v Photos uploaded- here you go! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Wednesday, September 05, 2007 “Why do people persist in a dissatisfying relationship, unwilling either to work towards solutions or end it and move on? It's because they know changing will lead to the unknown, and most people believe that the unknown will be much more painful than what they're already experiencing.” i came across this quote above and i realised it really make sense. So share with u guys... `no appetite to eat. `cant sleep. `cant focus. ____________________________________________________________ It's such a waste to always look behind you; should be looking straight ahead! (: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 Just make good of the future, rather than thinking about the past; let bygones be bygones... look into the future (:
thanks for being there, my frens. seriously, i really dont know what's going on. Visited his blog. Visited his frens blog and also his class blog. This is shocking... ... Dumbfounded. I dont know why of a sudden dave come into the picture. I dont know why mysterious taggers tag at his blog. Am i really the one hiding behind everyone? Am i really the coward? NO. i dont want to make things worse. I have made everything clear in my previous entry. Why things always get worse between the both of us??? COmmunication breakdown again? Misunderstandings, guys!!! Things getting real bad. I dont wan to think about it anymore. I dont wan to talk about it anymore too. Let things be the way they are. To you; I didn't ask the someone, someone else & even Dave to go n tag at those blogs. They jus appeared from no where. I have no idea who they r. Whatever they do, is not my business at all. Think again. if i'm the one tagging, i would use my name (: And, i dont wish to get involved because i have made it very clear that i not going to tag or bug him at all. ( if u guys have read my previous entry) bye. I really have no idea what's going on. _____________________________________________________ Monday, September 03, 2007 a REALIZATION!~
coming to something clearly and distinctly. This is for you... I'm sorry that i have done all these to you. Whether it's not over, or whether it's all over; i still have to say this to u (: I shouldn't have tag and bug u again & again. i'm really sorry. My mistakes, i dont wish u would forgive me but i just wan to say... I will not tag or disturb u again. i'll still wan to be yr fren. I wont hate you; i wont turn all my buddies against you. But if u still wan to find me, u still can contact me thru sms or MSN. I hope u understand me, thank you. Concern expressed in a wrong way. ________________________________________ Updating stuffs on what i have done during my holidays (: \tues\: whole day out with joan \wed\: zhiling's hse gathering (: \thurs\: Nish's hse gathering. \fri\: Chris small gathering. \sat\: Fren's new opened pub. \sun\: Simei. EAst Point. Tues -28.08- meet my precious joan darling. i love her alot. I love to go out with her. hey, darling... someday we go more often, ya? hee... ^^ i love my darling. Went to north pt first; then we went amk hub after that we went paya lebar (: Bus trip is so much fun with her. WoohOo! *hugs & kisses to my joan darling* getting closer to my joan darling. Darling, i really appreciate to be yr darling! (: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Skinned potatoes in Long John Silvers? Ermm.. my first time trying it. haha! nice. got to go n try it. U jus add skinned potatoes with yr combo1 or whatever valued meal =P WEd -29.08- Meet Nish first. on our way to Zhiling's hse. ![]() ![]() Our destination!!! ![]() Almond Cres! ^^ finally is her hse. Raining =.= Woohoo. All seven of us at zhiling's hse! Cindy. Corin. Ivana. Joan. Kelli. Nish. Zhiling. Cool!!! I love gatherings (: ![]() MAggi mee! Curry flavour, anyone? ^^ ![]() And... it's gone within 15mins. woo... one big pot of noodles!!! ![]() zhiling's rabbit. adorable? heee hard time to lure her out to shower her (: ![]() ![]() ![]() Of cos. never forget games, chat & drinks! ^^ DRINK DRINK DRINK!!! ![]() ![]() Scotch Whisky. Nite time. Ate dinner at Hans. down the upp Thomson Rd. ![]() ![]() ![]() Fish & chips -mine!!! ![]() U cant have this too! haha :P Thurs -30.08- Nish's hse gathering! yeah. Curry chicken is very very NICE! only the 3 of us at nish's hse. - joan, zhiling and me - Playing poker cards till 7pm Went hm with joan. took bus from her Jurong West to Woodlands. MY poor joan darling, go home alone. I felt so worried abt her at times. Fri -31.08- Chris hse. Me, nish and joan. poker cards accompanied with Bombay Sapphire *gin* Tonic water + gin = Gin Tonic. I drank it quite a few times. I like it; so does nish & joan (: learnt to play bridge well but still not as gd as u think. haha! Chris, i love hints. lol! Joan, when we're partners... we most likely will lose. cos we dont have much CHEMISTRY. sad... but nish, joan's yr best partner so far ^^ Maybe my tactics aren't gd enough huh. Sob. i need ... a book to learn Basics of Strategizing ( some strategic planning ) okay... maybe not that exaggerating :D Need to learn more from my darlings. Sat -1/09- At night went to Changi Village de New Pub (: Egyptian Theme. so cool. I somehow like the environment there. No smoking in the pub. smoking allowed outside. COol huh?! that's why i like. bohdoh! heee... GO check it out if u're free. Changi Village Blk 5 =P KTV + Soccer + Drinking... woah. isn't that FUN!? Drank CHIVAS. Ermm... mixer. mix with green tea. Lolx! *faint right? haha! My first time drinking green tea with alcohol. My first time here in a new pub somemore! My first time being brought by him. My first time singing and drinking in a "unique" environment. Everything has its first time (; Kind of not used to the environment but slowly... i get used to it. The singing... the laughing... the chatting. Woah. I heard someone from my back singing on the mic. So nice. An old man with long plated hair... oh my! Shocking!!! he sings real well... and he sings cantonese. *more shocked* * LOUD Applause for him * Getting dizzy for too much drinking and i drank too fast... oops. *controlled* 4 hrs of drinking & singing. time to go back home. hee!~ SUN -2/09- Went to East Point. Help my precious joan darling. Shop closed at 8pm. We arrived at 8.10pm Ahh. ten minutes late. The message is very clear: COme back again tml. haha!!! Drank Papaya Milk from SweetTalk (: Ermm... not because of the effects it gonna bring, but i jus wan to drink just for the sake of drinking? i guess :P Went to Pet Safari! (: Adorable pets. Ahhh... So adorable. How u ever come across a dog that is so clever? so adorable? so obedient? I have! and i longing to have one dog too. or maybe... have one pet of my very own! Dog? Hamsters? Fishes? ermm... Look they're so adorable. (almost have the rush to buy them home!) CATS! Looking at me. photographer is not me! good shot ^^ After that, Went to PAsir Ris Bus int. to take bus home. Hungry... So food comes in my mind! Who dont? duh~ *no need say* hahaha!!! Cheesy Hotdog! my fav. ^^ Love mustard (: Squeeze me gently!!! Dont know what time is the next bus coming? Check this out. It's been out for so long and this is my first time seeing it. SO sua gu. hehe! *calling myself a mountain tortoise* Cool,right? Ermm... i have been wondering what time is my bus... ... gonna come!!! With this, no worries (: This bus taking too long, then take another bus instead =D That's all for this entry. LONG, right? indeed (: thanks for accompanying me till 5am plus ^^ I appreciate yr company =P |